SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
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そば茶屋 華元 本膳庵 アミュプラザくまもと店
Leaving the new sake festival, we went to the second restaurant. The second party was at a soba restaurant on the restaurant floor of Amu Plaza Kumamoto, adjacent to the station. This soba restaurant has a great selection of sake 😁. The price is... no way 🤣. The second drink was Shashaemon I had this sake at this restaurant before, but I couldn't remember what it tasted like, so I ordered it. The moment I put it in my mouth, the gorgeous aroma spreads and sweetness, sourness, umami, and spiciness all come at once 😳. This feeling is like no other 😁. You can enjoy this on its own or as a food sake 🥰.