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Sharaku夏吟 うすにごり純米吟醸
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It is a light nigori summer Gin. It is the first time for me to drink Collage. It has been on the top of my list since the beginning. I was interested in the winter Oragara, but I couldn't get it, and after that I couldn't get it because of the high price and the difficulty of knowing where to start. So when I found out that the Gin Usu Nigori was released this summer, I immediately rushed to the sake store. The first time I drank it, I was impressed by the hardness of it. The moment you put it in your mouth, you will feel the rich flavor of the rice. The bitter and spicy nigori taste comes up soon after, and it finishes with a crisp and clean taste. It has a deep and rich flavor that defies the light image of summer sake, and the refreshing sensation is produced by the sharpness of the bitterness and spiciness, rather than relying on acidity. I felt that this is an authentic sake that retains strong traces of classical sake, which is different from fruity or juicy sake. The timing of this Collage was too good for me, as I have recently become a fan of complex sake with a more typical sake taste. This is the first time I've tried other Collage.