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Juyondai別撰諸白 白鶴錦純米大吟醸生詰酒
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酒縁 しょう榮
Jyushodai Bessen Morohaku Hakutsuru Nishiki I have had several sakes made with Hakutsuru Nishiki Ehime Yamakawaryu Hakutsuru Nishiki Mie Prefecture Saku Hakutsuru Nishiki Saga Prefecture Toichi Hakutsuru Nishiki Each has its own characteristics and tastes quite different🧐. Now here we meet Hakutsuru Nishiki Jyushiyo. I couldn't pass this up 💦. The aroma reminds me of green apple 🍏. First impression is a firm acidity 😮. Less sweet and clearer than the other Jyushidai Slightly lighter flavor Slight bitterness in the aftertaste and a beautiful lingering taste 😋. Various local Yamagata dishes are served in small appetizers. Seasonal thin-skinned round eggplant, bracken and konnyaku ball! As a foreign tourist, I liked it very much 🧡🧡.