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Kokken山廃純米 福乃香純米吟醸
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This is a delicious chilled Yamahai! This Junmai Ginjo-shu is brewed with 100% of Fukushima Prefecture's newly developed "Fukunoka" rice, which is suitable for sake brewing. The "Yamahai" that Kunigon Shuzo aims for is a sake that does not have the unique aroma and taste of Yamahai, but rather a deep, unmistakable flavor. However, due to the characteristics of Yamahai brewing and the fact that the technology is still in its infancy, the acidity and amino acid content of Yamahai sake tends to be higher than those of fast brewing. Therefore, when chilled, the sake tastes acidic and sharp, and when heated, it tends to be fuller. However, the Fukunoka used this time does not produce a lot of acid and amino acids, so the sake is soft and full without being harsh. In addition, the yeast used was F7-01, which is a yeast that does not use aromatic yeast, and was used to bring out the elegant flavor of the sake. The result is a slightly sweet sake. Rice : Fukushima contract-grown Fukunoka Rice polishing ratio : 60 Sake degree : -2 Acidity : 1.5 Amino Acidity : 1.3 Alcohol content : 15 Place of Origin: Fukushima Prefecture, Kunigon Shuzo" (from Yajima Shuten's website) This is one of the bottles on the way to Fuji Ryukan. It is delicious!