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Hidakami弥助 芳醇辛口純米吟醸
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おにぎり屋 大誠
Kitami Meeting Rice : Kura-no-Hana Rice Polishing Ratio : 50 Alcohol content : 16 Sake Degree : +4 Acidity : 1.5 President Hirai, who is a great lover of sushi, was impressed by the taste of sushi he had in a certain region, and after about three years of planning, he created "Yasuke," the ultimate sake to go with sushi. Yasuke" is a cloaked term for sushi in the Hanayagi world (the world of geisha). The name "Yasuke" came to be used as a cloak for sushi in a Kabuki and Ningyo Joruri play called "Yoshitsune Senbonzakura," in which Taira no Koremori, who survived the Battle of Genpei, used the alias "Yasuke" when he ran away to a sushi restaurant.