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Katanosakura特別純米 雄町 -直汲みver.-特別純米原酒生酒無濾過
alt 1
Repeat deal. my favorite words are "Omachi, directly pumped, raw sake"! Jacket value... 4/10 The label has changed? The brown bottle with azuki color label is good, but the hiragana is not good. Hue ... 18/20 The hue is surprisingly clear, and the smell is not like a heavy type, but more apple-oriented. Contrary to what one might expect from the smell, the stimulation is felt on the tip of the tongue, and the entire tongue is slightly sweet with a hint of sourness. Sei... 19/20 The sweet umami (clear) of Omachi that expands can be felt well, the texture is straight and clear, and there is nothing that sticks to the tongue. The acidity (perhaps from Alc) that still lingers is a good accent. Turning point ... 17/20 The bitterness is also Omachi, and the Omachist will be satisfied with the taste. Yui ... 16/20 The sweetness and bitterness from the Alc lingers in the aftertaste, and it stings until the end, but this is a good thing. Cospa... 9/10 Buy it for 1,815 yen. ‼︎ for the early abolition of the provisional gasoline tax rate! Post-consumer review...juicy -> bitter? →Bitter -> mellow sublimation smell! It is an excellent work that follows the Oumachi rule of "juicy -> bitter -> mellow sublimation smell". Pull the good sublimation smell... 83 points
The stability of this wine is hard to underestimate ‼︎ and it may have surpassed Akishika. The balance of flavors is just so good ✨Thanks Oumachi, Oumachi! It's delicious, seriously. ‼︎