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千代緑限定酒 ちよみどり 純米酒辛口純米
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稲庭本舗 明治佐助商店
@ Inaniwa Honpo Meiji Sasuke Shoten My friend who celebrated his 60th birthday at this golf event ordered a bottle of Chiyorigiri Dry Junmai at this restaurant following the Chiyorigiri SP last night! It was not as spicy as I thought it would be, and it went down easy 🍶. Knowledge Dry junmai sake with a sake strength of +8, brewed with MS3 yeast collected from a beam in the brewery's brewery. It is carefully brewed with highly polished rice suitable for sake brewing, and is characterized by its pear-like aroma and crisp mouthfeel. Rice used: Miyamanishiki / Ginsan Polishing ratio (Koji) 50% (Kake) 60 Sake degree +8.0 Amino acidity 1.6 / - Yeast used: MS3 (Chiyoroku Kurazuke Yeast)