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Is it close to the mountains or not? Jackets value ... 6/10 Good orthodox, but the color scheme is cheap. Ki ... 19/20 The hue is pale yellow, the aroma is not bad, the flavor is not too strong, and the taste is not too strong, but the texture and flavor are perfect. Sei... 18/20 The sweetness and pleasantness on the tongue are maintained, so the aforementioned acidity and burning can be accepted as accents. Turning... 18/20 The acidity is refreshing and changes to a umami taste that appeals to the center of the tongue; however, the sweet and umami taste of the first half is basically the base, so the change can be tasted without discomfort. Yui... 17/20 The amino acidic umami (as I think of it) is kept, and the finish has the freshness of the sake. The bitterness comes out, but it is OK because it would be insufficient without this much bitterness! COSPA ... 7/10 Purchased for 1,870 yen. The core sweetness and umami are well balanced. The only drawback is the lack of aromatic pleasure. The only difference between this wine and Yamama is the acidity. 85 points