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Izakaya Tengu's original. Although it is a honjozo, it does not have an unpleasant taste, and has a simple and clean flavor. It has a refreshing aftertaste and can be enjoyed without hesitation. https://item.rakuten.co.jp/tenallied/10000302/ Japanese Sake Daisen Namazake Iyoyohayagure Danrei Dry Honjozo Product Description Product Name Daisen Iyoyo Hanayagu Honjozo Place of birth Tsuruoka City, Yamagata Prefecture Sake Brewer Name: Kato Kahachiro Shuzo Type Japanese Sake Dry, Honjozo, Raw Contents 1,800ml, 1 square bottle Rice Haenuki (produced in Yamagata prefecture) Rice polishing ratio 70% Koji rice, 65% Kake rice Sake Meter: +7.5 Acidity 1.30 Alcohol content 14.8%. Storage As this is unpasteurized sake, please keep it in the refrigerator.