

  • 天狗舞
  • 天狗舞
  • 天狗舞
Jan 19, 2022 12:58 AM
ひろしマナチーちょろきboukenはなぴんマークⅡジェイ&ノビィRafa papaChokkiヒラッチョポンちゃんまえちんラル大佐兄貴雅九蔵espMantaましゃのちを紫の誇ひっさんtakeshonくにぽんsnowマルビー孝遥瑛チチまーさん鮭酒鮭flos_lingua_estおやじぃぼうすけyosiとしちゃんRyomax777303しんじょうsuperbebeえりりんststしぇり〜hoshiakiAlheybowspkhたくぼんmonkimipuchibapたけっちぷぷさなDゆうさんMAJデューク澁澤KTK2002たっく0103ゆう🎶よいどれ♪RigelテモヤンtkmtsマサミやSoulKatsu雅ぱんだsugiはりねずみyeahfumipyonpyonルテルテミちゃんまやPSatochanうまいうまいsatoしんちゃんみやぞーKazKazさんすけ熊谷 朋之リアリストアツ0053ヒデかれぎゅうまめうめ
  • Milan HauserType: honjozo, polishing rate: 65%, alc.: 15% I like Tengumai and it never disappoints me. I usually drink their Junmai yamahai but this time let's try their honjozo. The color is yellowish. Aroma is light and sweet like steamed rice and honey. Texture is silky and light. It is refreshing with light acidity and strong umami, not too dry. There is a depth to this honjozo and I can definitely taste some yamahai tones. I guess it is blended with yamahai sake. The flavor is lighter than junmai.

Milan Hauser さんはさけのわを使っています。あなたもアプリを使って飲んだ日本酒を記録したり、好みの日本酒を見つけたりしてみませんか?