

Apr 6, 2021 3:41 PM
  • TommyboiAlthough weak in aroma, it brought me instant joy when I tasted a mildly strawberry-like flavour. The acidity and bitterness of this masterpiece is well balanced, which brings out the delicate sweetness of the rice. A taste of chocolate emerged occasionally during the tasting session. Since it’s not filtered and pasteurised, there was a sensation of fizzy drinks, much like that of soda. Overall, it is a light-bodied, gentle piece of art reflects the attitude of an excellent lady Toji (杜氏).

Tommyboi さんはさけのわを使っています。あなたもアプリを使って飲んだ日本酒を記録したり、好みの日本酒を見つけたりしてみませんか?