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Oct 28, 2022 1:53 AM
ラル大佐兄貴takeshonboukenまえちんfukuchane休肝鳥ひろうし麺酒王BEATマナチーつきたてジェイ&ノビィちょろきひろしRafa papaポンちゃん九蔵よいどれ♪紫の誇マルえりりんジークじこんしんじょう3KAN4ONT-KajiabibutaAlheybowChampyほとり酔nosukeRyuYama2106さなD遥瑛チチゆーへー酔いどれキリンルテルテミ精米歩合85zak@水橋x777303うまいうまいマルビーSaru808🐒Crazytakahaniwa56みやぞーたいちゃんMasaaki Sapporoひっさん
  • ヰリアム4+/5 Big flavourful JDG, strong, bold, fruity, and sweet. Blueberry, banana, papaya, ginger, sugarcane, juniper. Love the light fruit flavours. Low acidity, medium sweetness, a bit of light bitterness. There’s a strength to it that doesn’t quite feel like bitterness, it’s more of an alcoholy burn. Can’t quite call it “smooth” but it is very clean. Just gives you a little slap in the face. Maybe it’ll smooth out a bit as it breathes. Very interesting!

ヰリアム さんはさけのわを使っています。あなたもアプリを使って飲んだ日本酒を記録したり、好みの日本酒を見つけたりしてみませんか?