

  • 男山
  • 男山
Apr 26, 2021 12:30 PM
katuHiromi Shinagawa Ichyumekagami酒龍伍兎御殿じゅんちゃんeRii寅之助takashi熊谷 朋之Satochan雅ぱんだフジフジヘタレFジータかおまんがい酔いどれキリンゆうさんMasaaki SapporoハチミツNAGI
  • Milan HauserRice polishing rate 55%, alc. 15%, SMV +10, acidity 1.6 (not listed on label) It is a big 1800 ml bottle. When poured, it is clear and colorless. The aroma is modest and very pleasant, sweet and milky like yogurt with raisins. At room temperature it is very dry with nice acidity and earthy crisp finish. It is easy to drink and makes you want another sip until the glass is empty. The label is lovely with samurai having a glass of sake. It is a good weekday sake to drink with food, dry and crisp.

Milan Hauser さんはさけのわを使っています。あなたもアプリを使って飲んだ日本酒を記録したり、好みの日本酒を見つけたりしてみませんか?