

  • 澤屋まつもと
  • 澤屋まつもと
  • 澤屋まつもと
May 30, 2022 2:05 PM
boukenmasakiジェイ&ノビィたけっちbapKumaまえちんだいごういんHeroyuiWOMsnowえりりんchikumoマナチーはなぴん遥瑛チチMikiまこじぃひろしめりおの日本酒録九蔵兄貴KatsutakeshonヒラッチョT-Kajihoshiakiたっく0103デューク澁澤さなDとしちゃんのちをしんじょうおやじぃくにちゃんMantaRafa papaたくぼんちょろきAlheybownitoぼうすけflos_lingua_esthondaルテルテミうまいうまいkino.マルビーゆう🎶Saru808🐒ポンちゃんkcおふじラル大佐Jiang3KAN4ONpuchiまっつMAJsugipyonpyonねむちころりまーさん8111Rigelテモヤンtejakuyaabusankomekoジークじこんkojickair JnBみやぞーかえる千鳥足sato藤屋 利兵衛兎御殿熊谷 朋之フジフジMasaaki Sapporo
  • Milan HauserJust got official news that Shanghai will open from June 1st. I didn't expected much from this sake. Surprise! It is delicious. Type: junmai, rice: Gohyakumangoku, polishing rate: 65%, SMV: +7, acidity: 1.3, alc.: 15% Aroma is mild. Melon and a bit of pear. It's gassy. Nice, I didn't expect that. Taste is a bit sour and dry with just a little sweetness in the aftertaste which gives it depth. It is slightly reminiscent of white wine. It is easy drinking. I am going to have another cup. Cheers!

Milan Hauser さんはさけのわを使っています。あなたもアプリを使って飲んだ日本酒を記録したり、好みの日本酒を見つけたりしてみませんか?