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Glorious Mt.Fuji風刃純米
na2My first Eikoufuji! Windblade🥺 given to me by sakedatabank! Eikoufuji is known for its sweetness and flavor, but this is a very dry Junmai sake. but this one is a very dry Junmai sake✨. It's been gloomy again lately. I opened the bottle because it's been dreary again lately and I wanted a dry, crispy sake 😉! The aroma is not that great, but it's a Junmai sake ☺️. The taste is It tastes like a very nice water! LOL! But it also has umami! But it's still dry and refreshing. It's exactly as spicy as I imagined it would be! I don't really like to drink this spicy, but it's great on a gloomy day 😊💕💕. It was perfect for the summer time when I get tired of drinking all the sweet stuff 🤗 I heard it's also good hot or cold (room temperature). I heard it's delicious. I heard it tastes good hot or cold (room temperature), so as a hot sake lover, I think it's a great cost effective way to enjoy it in many different ways.