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Akabu純米大吟醸 生酒 AKABU純米大吟醸生酒
I came across it. I was hooked by the soft, gentle and refreshing aroma and taste. I want to try all of these brands. Akabu is like a first love. I arrived at the refrigerator without even glancing at the Beaujolais something corner. There it was. Junmai Daiginjo. I was tempted to open it right away, but after running some errands, I finally opened the bottle. While sharing it with the altar, I put the spout on my glass as well. I said wow! I said wow in real life. Me, serving one after the other to my wife, daughter, and other adults. I said, "Nah? Nah? Right?" I'm not the one who made it, but for some reason I'm a little proud of it. Finally, he said, "Don't drink it without permission! It's mine!" because it was so delicious. It was not because of the small size of the bowl.