

Jan 25, 2021 2:07 PM
  • Milan HauserIt it second time I am drinking Tengumai Junmai. It is so very good that I feel I could dance with Tengu after I finish this small bottle. I am drinking it at room temperature because I am too lazy to warm or cool it. The color is straw. The aroma of wet leaves and mushrooms and of something sweet, maybe brown sugar. The flavor is a harmony of acidity, umami in the center and sweetness that blend together to form a whole. A little bit of yogurt and earthiness from alcohol. Lovely yamahai sake!

Milan Hauser さんはさけのわを使っています。あなたもアプリを使って飲んだ日本酒を記録したり、好みの日本酒を見つけたりしてみませんか?