

  • 玉川
  • 玉川
Sep 30, 2022 3:15 PM
マルポンちゃんえりりん紫の誇フジフジはなぴんsnowひろしたっく0103赤兎馬ヰリアムひっさん@水橋Ryuオバボン兄貴つぶちゃんちょろきまこじぃめりおの日本酒録九蔵takeshonchikumo遥瑛チチジークじこんまえちんマナチーおやじぃゆーへーKatsuたくぼんhawaii_kaiぼうすけくにちゃん雅ぱんだはちべえヨシコウマルビージェイ&ノビィまっつさなDMantaちゃそSatochankiyo雅bouken3KAN4ONりょうねむちpyonpyonyuriうまいうまい熊谷 朋之こぞう休肝鳥bapたけっちあゆわんわんTAKA2RishuつきたてMAJテモヤンしぇり〜RigelRafa papaデューク澁澤ボウまーさんおふじyutaゆう🎶sugiKent Leungオデッヘイ毎日キムチ兎御殿まめうめmirinちゃんまやPワカ太taku千鳥足
  • Milan HauserI must say wow! This is my kind of sake: strong, rich and full of umami. And the colour is so very beautiful! Type: junmai, yamahai, rice: Kitanishiki, rice polishing rate: 66%, yeast: in house yeast, alc.: 19 - 20% Colour is yellow. I have a runny nose so I could not smell properly but I could get ripe bananas, brown sugar and rice. A lot of rice. It is rich sake with wild yamahai notes, noticeable acidity and strong umami. Rich with alcohol too. I know I will by this again in near future.

Milan Hauser さんはさけのわを使っています。あなたもアプリを使って飲んだ日本酒を記録したり、好みの日本酒を見つけたりしてみませんか?