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Aramasa Check-in 1Aramasa Check-in 2
Aramasa Check-in 3Aramasa Check-in 4
What shall I drink today🤔 and open the fridge... Because of preconceived notions, feelings (I'm the type of person who saves the important things), etc... How this got pushed out 😳 I haven't had a new Masa at home in a year I think. It's supposed to be finished after 2-3 years of refrigerated storage. It's about time😊. The last time I drank it was with Hana-no-Kou Sake Brewery's Sansotsu. Today's is from Shinmasa. Confusing 🤣 Rikuu 132 No. from Akita Prefecture, 50% Koji rice, 55% polished Kake rice Alcohol: 13%. The aluminum cap with an integrated crown is tightened. Silent opening sound When it is poured into a glass, it has a citrusy aroma with a hint of sake yeast and wooden vat. In the mouth, the first impression is citrus acidity ❗️ But it is not a simple sweet and sour taste. The aroma and astringent taste of the wooden vat reminds me a little of whiskey. It has a hint of sweetness and the same amount of bitterness. A very complex taste! While there are many easy-to-understand sakes If you are not familiar with Shinsei to some extent What? Some people may think it's not so good. On the back of the label, there are words of dry orange, fragrant rhinoceros, yellow peach, plum, and shiso leaves. Usually, I don't know what it is, This time, the citrus aroma and bitterness are dry orange The complex sweetness and astringency with a hint of sourness is reminiscent of kumquatsunsou and plums! I am always surprised by the wide range of Shinsei 😉.
Hi ymdaz 😃 I see we are connected to the land of origin! We had this one last year and it has a complex flavor 🤔I looked back at my review and it said "sweet, sour, and delicious 😳" 😅I guess that means it's delicious 😋.
Hi Jay & Nobby 😃. It was my first Earth so I drank it without any preconceptions, it's delicious but hard to describe the taste: ☺️ I have a feeling that the taste will change on the second day, I'm looking forward to it!
On the second day, the wood vat aroma took a back seat and the sweetness and sourness came to the forefront, giving me the apricot feeling. The taste became easier to understand... The image is similar to that of Yonotori, and the changes are interesting.