SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
Hasegawa Saketen (はせがわ酒店)
ハリー19Gattoliberto Italian for free cat🐈 is that Nora? Sake that wants to be loved without being tied down by freedom🍶. Flavor like green apple🍏 with lots of sourness Tangy on the tip of the tongue It is a distinctly different sake from other sakes. It is very different from the previous Mantis. It's so different from the last Mantis... Jyukyu is so interesting! I haven't seen it recently, but I wonder how Kashou-chan, who loves Jyuukyu, would describe it. How would you describe it? Drinking at home 598
遥瑛チチGood evening, Harry senior🌆. I was transferred to Saitama in April. I look forward to working with you. ❗️
ハリーGood morning, Chichi 😃. What? Seriously? Welcome to Shoden Saitama! Let's have a drink once you get settled 🍺. Where do you live and work, Omiya? Urawa?
遥瑛チチI work in Saitama-shintoshin and live in Toda Park. Looking forward to meeting you😊.