SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
Shichiken山ノ霞 スパークリングおりがらみ発泡
熊谷 朋之
Good evening! (^^)/ It has been cold recently, how are you all doing? I would have posted the sake we drank at the last celebration party, but I was busy with work, so this time it was the Nanaken Sparkling. (^_^;) Today, I crossed a hurdle... (^_^; ) Also, although we don't live together, it was my second son's birthday, so we had a party to celebrate his birthday with shuwashuwa (laugh). I was supposed to order a 720ml bottle, but I mistakenly ordered a 360ml bottle! (^○^) It is a sparkling sake with a really high degree of perfection. I feel that it has a high level of quality that can be matched with both Japanese, Western, and Chinese dishes. We finished it in no time while reminiscing about our second son, Piyo-Piyo-chan! I was wondering if it was a little too much, so I also finished the X-factor of ICHIHAKUSUISEI, which I had been saving (laugh). I can see the work for the next year coming up, and I am thankful for the day I had thanks to you. Good night. (-_-)zzz