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Yaegaki純米吟醸山田錦ひやおろし限定 Junmai Ginjo Yamadanishiki Hiyaoroshi Gentei純米吟醸ひやおろし
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八重垣 純米吟醸山田錦ひやおろし限定 Yaegaki Junmai Ginjo Yamadanishiki Hiyaoroshi Gentei 精米歩合 60% Seimaibuai アルコール 15% Alcohol Soft, smooth mouthfeel. Really easy to drink, as is. We were “sampling” this a bit too much; let’s try it with food! Mmmm. It pairs really well with sashimi & sushi (鮭, あわび, 鰤, マグロ, 中トロ). This Yaegaki ヤヱガキ even pairs nicely with ラ フランス pears but not so well with 柿の種 senbei.