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Ippakusuisei特別純米酒 ささにごり
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Polishing ratio: Koji rice 55%, Kake rice 58 Alcohol 16 Rice used: Gin no Sei, Akita Sake Komachi Sake degree +3, Acidity 1.0 Nama Sake Color Slightly white and cloudy Aroma Gorgeous aroma of Yubari melon Taste Attack is strong to normal Taste is rich, sweet and sour Clean sweetness, quickly fades, acidity is noticeable, slight bitterness at the end Aftertaste Bitter taste of alcohol remains Food sake Alcoholic, but not bad. Well-balanced, with a strong nigorigo taste. Because it was a new sake, the bitterness of the nigorigo taste was not so strong, so it tasted good. It is not sweet. It tasted a bit like Eiko-Fuji... probably because of the strong taste.