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KazenomoriALPHA TYPE1水酛
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Sake in Nara Kaze no Mori ALPHA1 Kaze no Mori is not easily available in Ibaraki. I bought it at IMADEYA in Ginza. Basically, I don't want to buy sake by mail order, so I am exploring liquor stores every day. I'm gradually getting to know what I like, so I don't have to explore new sake too much, but I wanted to try Kaze no Mori. However, there are still many brands I would like to try. Kamo Nishiki", "Gunma Izumi", "Wa no Tsuki", "Ryuki", "Tagaji", "Kaze no Mori", "Toyo Bijin", "Kakki Masamune", etc. The journey of exploration is not yet over. Kaze no Mori is very popular and there are many varieties. This time it was ALPHA 1, which I was very interested in because it is brewed using the Bodai yeast method. When I drank it, I found it to be slightly carbonated with a complex and deep flavor from the lactic acid bacteria. It has a fresh fruitiness. And there is a slight acidity. This is very delicious. It is the exact opposite of "light and dry" and has a grain-based sake taste. There is another sake made with the same Bodai yeast called "Hanaboe", which is available at the liquor store I usually go to. Degree of liking 10/10