SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
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Ishizuchi Ginsho Nama Sake x Matsuyama Mitsui (limited edition) Crowdfunding "Enjoy Japanese Sake Like a Trip" - Enjoy sake from all over the world at home The fourth one is a drink from Ehime ♫ Ishizuchi is also a liquor that I sometimes see here, so I was very curious to open it ♫ "We aim to make a sake that's great with food, and that tastes better the first three times you drink it. We aim to make a sake that's delicious from the third cup. Well then, what happens to the first bite 😳💦💦 and I took a mouthful of the fresh The sourness and relaxed flavor complemented the meal. It was an excellent mealtime drink! What's on the menu that day? Smoked Salmon Vegetable Galette Salmon Tartar Macaroni Salad The style of a mussel fisherman Fava bean soup Meat sauce
Stylish glasses and colorful food! It sounds like your drink is going to be good 😊 I've been feeling lately that the way the acidity is in the drink is pretty important 😊.