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Glorious Mt.Fuji純米大吟醸 極超新星 (HIPER NOVA)
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I was born and raised in Kumamoto Prefecture and have a connection with Eiko-Fuji. The brewery is owned by a descendant of Kiyomasa Kato's son who was exiled to Tsuruoka City. It is one of my favorite breweries because of its delicious taste. This time it is a Junmai Daiginjo made from "Setsuwakamaru," a new variety from Yamagata Prefecture. It is a very limited edition. It is more dry and aromatic. The taste retains the old Eiko-Fuji flavor. It is so easy to drink that even my wife, who is not much of a sake drinker, had to have another glass. And yet, it is priced at 2,090 yen. It is also top class in terms of cost performance. If you can find it, it is a "must buy" item!