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Tenju鳥海山 紺ラベル 純米大吟醸生原酒3BY純米大吟醸原酒生酒
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酒丸 市民市場店
After finishing the Shinmasa series, we finally started the Akita sake that the owner left to us! First up was Tenju Chokaizan! A fruity, deep and delicious Junmai Daiginjo! Apparently, it is aged for one year! It has both sweetness and sharpness. Delicious sake! Let's drink it with the seri nabe that has been simmering over the fire! Seri nabe is famous in Sendai! Actually, this is my first time to try it! The owner of the restaurant told me that most of the seseri nabe in Sendai is made in Akita Prefecture! Knowledge 3BY, ripened fresh for more than a year, will start shipping from April 6, 2023. ND-4 (Tokyo University of Agriculture flower yeast) harvested from Nadeshiko flowers is used. Rice: Miyamanishiki Polishing ratio 50%. Sake degree +2 Acidity 1.3 Alcohol 15%.