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A reward for a hard day's work. I will have a glass of this Bordeaux wine from Sentori, my favorite wine 🤤. I can't stop trying this and that, but I hear Sentori is being rebranded, so I'm trying to be proactive in welcoming them back. Welcome to my home ✨ Juicy, sweet and sour. Muscat and lychee-like flavors. Maybe banana-ish as time goes on 🤔. The snack is a cold chilled chuka 😅A holy drink makes a Friday day special, even if I'm exhausted. I've got Siberia and tomato & basil potato chips to sweeten the potatos! A great weekend to start, thank you 😊. Second day of opening the bottle. Yesterday's freshness has been replaced by a roundness and a clarity that stands out while still retaining sweet and sour notes. The fruity aromas are less pronounced, but the wine is still refreshing and light!
Hi marumaruo 😃 A glass of Sacred Bird with a glass of wine! It's so soothing 😌As you said, the Sacred Drink is a perfect accompaniment 😋. Please try the Modern Sentori Omachi 👋.
Hi Jay & Nobby! I had a glass of Omachi 🙋 It is strong, clear and refreshing. It was a dangerous cup that I drank it easily!