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Yosamusume山廃純米 生原酒純米山廃原酒生酒
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Purchased on a visit to the brewery after a long time 🍶. It comes with a surprising sticker 🐸! Intriguing for the Bikkuriman generation! Made with 100% Kyoto sake rice, Kyo no Shineki. The first sip made me say to myself, "This is delicious! I was talking to myself! The strength of the Yamahai and the acidity are well balanced. The strength of Yamahai and the acidity are effective, but there is no cloying taste, It has a beautiful mouthfeel. It is a raw sake, so it has a lot of gusto, but it is very easy to drink. but it is very easy to drink. It satisfied all my taste buds' needs tonight. It satisfied all my taste buds tonight!