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_ This is the secret sake that supposedly intoxicated the great snake. Overall impression: Maybe I'm not ready for it yet... Color: clear ★★★★ murky Aroma: Weak ★ ★ ★ ★ strong (grain type) Taste: Hot☆☆☆☆Sweet Throat: Fresh☆☆☆Sticky Lingering: Short ★★★★★Long What in the world is this? I drank a mature sake for the first time, but the aroma was completely different from that of rice, with a strong grain aroma and a tingling sensation that clung painfully to my tongue. It seems to be a reproduction of the sake that was made once upon a time to exterminate Yamata-no-orochi, and it seems to be a cloudy sake with a very dry taste and high alcohol content, using cereals other than rice.