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Goninmusumeむすひ 発芽玄米酒
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The smell of pickles. Hmmm, what does this taste like? ...A beer that isn't bitter? From the appearance, I imagined something like amazake, but it was totally different. At any rate, the smell is like pickles. It does not taste like pickles. It is sour and bitter. I feel that the flavor is very good. The rice is 100% polished. It's brown rice, and nothing has been cut down. The label says "Item: Other Brewed Sake". So it is not sake. The yeast is alive and the flavor changes daily. It was indeed very active, and it took more than 5 minutes to open the bottle. I wonder how the taste will change if it is left to stand? Does it become sour? Will it get sweeter? I'm looking forward to it 🙂.