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福稲 フクイネ純米吟醸原酒
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Kataoka Sake Brewery:Asakura Higashi-mine Village Fukuine Junmai Ginjyo Genshu Our village, Higashimine Village, is a small mountain village located on the eastern edge of Fukuoka Prefecture. It has a thriving pottery industry, famous for its Koishiwara pottery, and is dotted with as many as 40 kilns. Iwaya Spring has been selected as one of the "100 best waters of the Heisei era," and 25,000 people visit the village every year to drink the delicious water. Kataoka Sake Brewery has been in operation here since 1898. In recent years, our new brand "Higashi Mine Issen," made from Iwaya spring water and delicious rice produced in Higashi Mine Village, has been well received. We hope you will visit Tomine Village. Brewery Information Address  838-1701, Higashimine, Asakura-gun, Fukuoka, Japan 22 Hoshuyama, Higashimine-mura, Asakura-gun, Fukuoka TEL 0946-72-2321 FAX 0946-72-2096 Representative Takuyuki Kataoka Year of Establishment: 1898 Year of Storehouse Tour: not available Access  15 minutes drive from Haki Interchange on Oita Expressway メールアドレスkataoka@w8.dion.ne.jp URLhttp://www.k4.dion.ne.jp/~kataoka/