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mike725Tokachi Kamikawa Taisetsu Junmai @ISEGO HONTEN 1,500 yen 3.3 No outstanding characteristics. The acidity in the aftertaste does not match. While "Kamikawa Taisetsu" brewed at the Midorigaoka Brewery uses ultra-soft brewing water and has a soft and delicate taste, the brewing water used at the Hekiun Brewery, where "Kamikawa Tokachi" is brewed, is a medium-hard water with a rich mineral taste, making it a Tokachi style "drinkable sake" with a strong and drinkable flavor and sharp taste. Kamikawa Taisetsu [Tokachi]. In 2016, the sake brewing company that had ceased production in Mie Pref. Kamikawa Taisetsu Sake Brewery was established in 2016 by relocating the brewery from Mie Prefecture to Kamikawa-cho, Kamikawa-gun, Hokkaido. The first brand "Kamikawa Taisetsu" is brewed by Mr. Shinji Kawabata, a master brewer who won various awards including a gold medal at the National New Sake Competition, using Hokkaido's best rice for sake brewing at Kinjitake Shuzo, also in Hokkaido, and was created under the concept of "Yummasaru-shu*," which is made with ingredients produced in Hokkaido and can be easily combined as a mid-meal drink. The word "Yumemasaru" is a word in the Hokkaido dialect meaning "to drink easily". The family crest on the label is the symbol of Kamikawa Taisetsu Sake Brewery, which represents the five tastes of sake: sweet, sour, spicy, bitter, and astringent, based on the design motif of the character for "big" in Daisetsuzan, beautiful snow, and an Ainu pattern.