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47 prefectures, the memorable last one piece is this! The lactic acid aroma spreads gently, and the aftertaste is sweet and thick. But the return breath is a refreshing lactic acid aroma, so you can keep drinking! The blue label is sweet and the red label is dry, and when I tasted them, I was surprised to find that they were the complete opposite! The blue label is sweet and the red label is dry. The Origarami Nama was only available in 1-square-bottle, so we went with the once-heated Yogo-bottle that we could keep in the fridge. The owner's kind and accurate taste advice was also great.
Good evening, Mr. Tambo Sommelier😃. You have conquered the whole country! Congratulations! The last one was in Tottori, wasn't it? I'm not sure if I'll be able to do it. I'll be back soon.