Tenjin Tokusyu Junmai Unfiltered Namaizu
15% 60% 720ml 1212yen
I saw an unknown brewery on my way to Teisho in Saitama. It was called Yokozeki Sake Brewery. I went in without thinking. There was a bottle of raw sake in the fridge. The label was simple, but it looked delicious, so I bought it without hesitation.
I opened the bottle at home. I heard a light puff of gas.
The first sip.
Oh, it's good.
It is a rather simple sake, but it has the cleanliness of water and a sharp taste. It has a strong sense of nama-shu, but it is not rough, and the acidity is moderate. It is modest but well-balanced.
When I blind-drank this sake with a company employee of the Kinshokai, he said, "I feel the quality of the sake is too hard. I was told that Teisho near here uses hard water from the Chichibu mountain range, and there is a high possibility that the same water is used in the brewery. That's what I'd expect from a company employee.
The website of the brewery says that they sell 100% of their sake directly from the brewery. No wonder you don't see this sake around.
I thought I might like it better than Teisho, which was my goal. The brewery is not very sophisticated, but I felt the warmth of the sales office.
Rating 4.0 (out of 5.0) 20220305