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Ine to Agave稲とハチミツ(つけオーク樽熟成) 2024樽酒
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Tonight, I'm dropping an oddity from a brewer that I haven't seen in a while 💁. Rice and Honey (Aged in Oak Barrels) 2024🌾🍯. It's a collaboration sake between Ina and Agave Brewery and Tsukegoro Brewery 😊 I think this is the first time for Ina Agave, isn't it? Sake and mead, and aged in oak barrels 😉. When opened and poured into the sake cup, it has a slight yellowish hue. The aroma is very complex, not only honey, but also lush aroma of wild grass, smoky oak, and energy drink elements like cola, guarana, and Oronamin C. The taste is slightly sweet on the attack and has a slight sweetness to it. The taste is a slightly sweet mead on the attack, but in the second half, there is a sourness, a sake-like rice flavor, and a dry aftertaste that is extremely delicious 😋😋😋😋. Craft saké is gaining citizenship, but mead x sake seems to have even more room for growth in terms of interest: ☺️
キラタソさん、こんにちは🐦 先日この醸造所がニュースで紹介されてて、町の活性化は勿論のこと、自由な発想で造られてるのがいいなぁと観てました😊未飲なので、こちらも含め飲んでみたいです❣️
@Pon-chan. Good evening 😊 Inaga-san is getting a lot of attention in terms of regional development and local promotion! Okasumi-san's skill in taking advantage of the fact that he couldn't get a sake brewing license is amazing, but it's the simply delicious saké that appeals to me 😋.