Heppoko's Drink Comparison Series👏👏👏👏.
✨"Kyuyo Masamune ver"✨.
Well, it's started, hasn't it? Heppoko's Drink Comparison Series has started. LOL🍶🍶🍶🍶🍶.
Kyuyo Masamune is a sake from Kumamoto...it's very minor 😭. It's cheap and tasty though 🥲. The same Kumamoto's Sansan-sama is national in 3 years....Kyuyo-san still has 2 years to go😊and one more year to go!
The taste is...delicious🐴🐴🐴🐴. It has the sweetness of rice that is typical of Junmai sake, a clean feeling, and an elegant gas feeling on the tongue👍👍👍👍. No weird insistence or miscellaneous taste or smell at all! 😳.
Heppoko...I want to spread this all over the country! but today I want to keep it all to myself. LOL!