SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
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京のおばんざい 花わさび
I was introduced to a Kyoto restaurant in Ebisu. A friend from work, it is delicious. Sake is a given. So, let's get right to it. The appetizer was a soup of Kyoto vegetables. We ask for vinegared crab, cucumber and wakame, pickled eggplant and sashimi. The menu is, as you can see, very seasonal. Various kyoyasai vegetables are used, but not strongly. The starter is Kido, a summer gale. As usual, it is a soft and gentle summer sake, and at 15 degrees Celsius, it's a good way to start off the day with a sweat-relieving drink. The food arrived as well. It's a gentle Kansai flavor. The beginning of a pleasant evening. No, it's still light...