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Hanamura純米吟醸 雄町純米吟醸生貯蔵酒
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立ち呑み処 よね屋
As soon as I saw the menu, I decided to finish the day with this one. Hanamaru is my favorite sake and I've been drinking a lot of it this year, but this was my first time drinking it in Omachi. I'm a fan of Omachi, so my expectations were high. The first bottle I drank that day was "Omachiuri no Shoujo", so this must have been my second bottle of Omachi. The moment you take it in your mouth, it's a delicious, slightly sweet sake with a great mouth feel. And right after that, the complexity of the flavors, mainly sweetness, which is typical of Hana Yuu, spreads out in a big way. The sweetness is a bit more subdued than other Hanamoups, but it has a plump, spreading richness to it. I was very happy with it. If I were to use a Ghibli analogy, I would compare it to the scene in Princess Mononoke, where the deer god walks and plants sprout under his feet. You can feel the spread of life. Combined with the frightening yet divine figure of the Deer God, it is very impressive. Satisfaction Level: ★★★★☆ .