SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
Kansansui純米吟醸 55%磨き純米吟醸
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After watching the compilation of Seiji Rokkaku's "Nomi Tetsudou Honsen Nihon Tabi", I suddenly wanted to go on a trip. I bought the limited edition "Minna no Kyushu Ticket" (Northern Kyushu version) that JR Kyushu is selling until the end of March, and took a weekend day trip ✖️2 days! I enjoyed Kuma Shochu with black tea and spicy lotus root chips that I bought at the buffet in the train of the sightseeing limited express Yamemi Kawasami No. 92 that I took from Hakata to Mojiko. Japanese Sake❓ Unfortunately, the train originally ran through the Kuma region in the southern part of Kumamoto Prefecture, which is a shochu kingdom, so sake was not available as a matter of course😅. The next train we boarded was the Sonic 23 express, which effectively started our drinking trip❗️. First of all, Kitaya Kanzansui Junmai Ginjo 55% polished I'm not sure what to make of this one. Because I drank it at room temperature❓Because I lost the smell of the one-cup bottle❓ However, when you sip it, the sweet, spicy, and delicious flavors hit you at the same time❗️It spreads in your mouth all at once, and then it quickly clears up. I was enjoying the sweet, spicy, and savory flavors of the Beppu Sea on the train, and I finished it in no time at all. It's still more than 40 minutes until we reach our destination in Beppu😅. (Continue)
Hello, Haruei Chichi 😀. It's a longing of Mr. Rokkaku 🎵Uraiyama, please enjoy your trip with care including measures against corona on the way 😀.
Hello rested liver bird😃. I had a lot of iron and alcohol on Saturday and Sunday. I'm going to take a rest day for 3 days starting today😅.