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I got this for my 21st birthday, FOMALHAUT. It was so gassy that it blew out when I opened the bottle! ↓↓The following is a taste impression I sent to my friend who received it while drinking it. The aroma is a nice mix of pear and koji. The sweetness and gaseousness spread through the mouth at once, but the bitterness and astringency drown them out. Finally, the umami of rice spreads in the mouth, and the aroma of rice leaves the flower. FOMALHAUT, the first star of the southern constellation of Ophiuchus. It is a rich, mellow, sweet dessert sake made using the kijoshu method, which uses Abe Shuzo's sake as part of the brewing water. It has a rich, mellow sweetness on the tongue, but with a moderate acidity that makes it light and pleasant to drink. With vanilla ice cream at dessert time. Also, please enjoy it with dishes based on sweet and spicy sauce. Most of the sake is fired (720ml), but at some events, there is also a "direct-filtered unfiltered unpasteurized type (internal capacity 500-720ml)" that is bottled freshly made.