SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
翁鶴稗田野の湧き水 限定生産生貯蔵酒
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Kyoto Pref. Kameoka City. Oishi Sake Brewery Co. Oishi Sake Brewing Company. This is the first sake we received as a gift. It is served cold. The alcohol aroma is heavy, and it is the most noticeable aroma. There is not much fruitiness. The label seems to be pushing the fruity side, but in reality it is not that fruity. It has a smooth texture on the tongue, and I thought it was easy to drink, but there was an alcoholic aroma when it passed through the nose, and at the end, there was a bitterness that pulled at the end, and a quite solid sake flavor. It could be described as a classic sake with a fruity, modern style 🤣. Ingredients: rice (domestic), rice malt (domestic), brewers' alcohol Alcohol content: 16% to 17% alcohol by volume