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Tsukii Sake Brewery Hikoichi Junmai Ginjo 100% Oarai rice Alcohol 16%. About 1800 yen Purchased at the Oarai Sake Brewery Osonoe Shoten in Ibaraki. There was a sake brewery nearby, but we couldn't find it in time. I asked the shopkeeper about local sake. The shop staff recommended this sake. Hikoichi Junmai Ginjo The sake brewery is located in Oarai, and they seem to use rice from Oarai. We recommend drinking it at room temperature or hot. I drank it at room temperature. It is dry, not sweet, but has a strong aroma of rice. I drank it with ankou nabe, which is a dish of grilled squid in a hot pot, and it went very well with it! As the owner says, it is not an easy sake to drink, but I recommend it when you want a strong drink!