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Kiru Gifu Junmai Ginjo 50% refined rice, 15° alcohol concentration Appearance: Clarity Color: transparent Viscosity: Medium Aroma intensity: strong Complexity: Medium Gin Aroma: Apple, Cantaloupe, Banana Raw material aroma: steamed rice Cooking aroma: Expression: spirited apple, cantaloupe, banana ginjyosu aroma, as well as the aroma of steamed rice raw material. Strength of flavor: Medium Complexity: complex Sweetness: Medium Sweetness: Lychee Sourness: carbonic acid Bitterness: carbonic acid, grass, alcohol Taste: cooked rice Other: chocolate Performance: Aroma of lychee, some rounded cooked rice, carbonic acid and grassy astringency, with some alcohol bitterness and chocolate-like cooked aroma. The wine floats a little, and the mouthfeel is a little too complex, with a long finish. Finish: Medium Finish: long 🌟🌟⭐️