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Yamazakikamoshi夢吟香 DREAM純米大吟醸原酒生酒
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I went to Chōgatake (蝶ヶ岳) in the Northern Alps, even though there was a typhoon coming the day before yesterday and yesterday, I stared at the weather map and thought I could go. Chōgatake (🌋) I didn't have the best view, but I'm happy that I was able to climb the mountain without being exposed to rain and wind. I'll be back soon 🙏. I have not been able to upload this article due to a number of things going on. Today is Yume-Ginko DREAM from Yamazaki brewery. The label features the Asagimadara, a butterfly known to cross the sea, and the concept is to cross the sea with sake brewed with rice and water from Aichi Prefecture. 🦋 It is not flashy but has a discreet ginjo aroma, fruity. There is plenty of umami. It is a daiginjo, but it is also reasonably priced. It's a good choice.