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Drinking Gifu's Local Sake 2024 in Osaka⑱. Hida-no-Hana" booth. The current toji, Mr. Atsushi Tsuda, is a toji who used to be at Sekai-Ichitose in Wakayama. Hida-no-Hana" is a Junmai-shu made with 90% polished rice. Very low milled rice. The acidity and umami are strong and delicious. Junmai Ginjo Shoryunomai It has a sake-like flavor and a bit of acidity, but it was not very impressive. I asked him if he knew of any good places to eat in Hida Takayama for the Obon holiday, and he said "good places are full of foreigners" 🤣. What about the places where the locals go? When I asked him, he gave me a good idea, and when I went back and looked it up, he said it was a casual kappo and reasonably priced, but it was just about upscale 🤣.