Opening the bottle...it opened easily without spurting out.
The first sip was from the supernatant. It has a great thickening sensation.
The acidity is strong and apple-like.
After the second sip, well mixed with the muddiness...
The acidity remains the same. Sweetness seems to have increased.
There is quite a bit of sweetness, but it is capped off by the strong acidity.
The stickiness of the sweetness increases and the acid aroma becomes tougher. But when you drink it, you don't feel it.
Condensed flavor. If you don't like sweetness, this may not be for you.
It is described as being like apple juice, and that may be true. It is my personal opinion that it is not suitable for drinking while eating.
It is a drink to be enjoyed on its own with a few snacks.
It is a sake for those who have different likes and dislikes.
If you don't like sweet, thick, or strong acidity, it may not be for you.