SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
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💐 Here's what I ordered after the first round of beers at the first restaurant. Too nice drinking comparison. The sweetness of the Jyushiyo stands out in comparison. It was delicious. I can't come to Sendai and not drink Miyagi sake. We also had Hakurakusei and Hidakami 🌟. Sendai is nice😊I liked it very much. I can't get drunk in front of my department (yet) 😆, so I spent the time talking and eating while drinking water. I ate and drank quite a bit, but I usually end up going to the after-party. As I've said many times before, I have to work the next day too. And I had to stand up 😅Even though we didn't get much sleep, we managed to get through it.