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Sunshu Nakaya辛口 甘蕉ぴりっスパッ純米山廃原酒ひやおろし
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I bought a bottle of Hiyamoroshi at a liquor store in my neighborhood. It has that distinctive sweet aroma of bananas. Why? It's a little too sweet 😗. The aftertaste is definitely dry. It went well with kakuteki, which has a slightly fermented taste. It also goes well with ray fins👍. Hiyaoroshi" is a name given to a type of sake made in the Edo period (1603-1867), when new sake squeezed in the winter was hiyaired (heat sterilized) in early spring to prevent deterioration before being stored in a large vat. It has been prized as an autumn sake. Hiyaoroshi is a new sake that has been aged for a long time, resulting in a deep flavor with a rounded edges. The mellow flavor is unique to hiyaoroshi. I looked it up again. I️ don't usually choose "mellow" sake, so it was refreshing to have a dry but sweet taste.