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Uchiki Sake Brewery, a local sake brewery. I happened to be passing by and stopped by. When I got home, I googled the name of the brewery and was shocked to find out that they had stopped manufacturing their own sake. The company's website said that they had decided to stop producing their own sake and would be outsourcing the production from now on. The sake I got was apparently made by the company itself. Founded in 1776, Asahi Masamune is a brand name for sake as refreshing as the morning sun and a wish for business prosperity. I took a sip of the cold sake while thinking about Uchiki Shuzo's more than 200 years of history. Mmmm, it's spicy! It is a dry sake with a traditional, robust flavor. No wonder they recommend heating it up. After a while, when the glass is lukewarm, it is much easier to drink than the first sip. Uchiki Shuzo has been making sake that never goes out of style. What direction will the brewery take in the future? Let's drink the rest of the sake heated.